Understanding Gambling Harm

Gambling is an activity that people can enjoy, yet there are significant social and individual harms that can arise from it. These harms can relate to health, wellbeing, work, study, relationships, culture and finances.

Gambling-related harm is not limited to those who gamble. It can impact people surrounding individuals who gamble, as well as their communities and the whole of society.

Find out what gambling harm is, who can be impacted, how you can make informed decisions and how to find support that works for you.

The experience of gambling harm

Want to know more?

Gambling harm is about more than just losing money. It is any negative consequence, caused or made worse by gambling. Hear personal stories of gambling harm. Learn about the signs of gambling harm, reducing and assessing your risk and more.

Gambling products and harm

What keeps you spending?

Gambling is a business. Gambling products are designed to keep people gambling and therefore spending. Find out about the features of different gambling products and the risk of harm they pose.