Strategic Plan

Commission Strategic Plan

The Commission's Strategic Plan [1.3 MB] outlines our values, objectives and how we will achieve these objectives from 2023-2024.

The Commission's Strategic Plan identifies the key stakeholders as the:

Strategy for Gambling Harm Prevention in the ACT

The prevention and reduction of gambling harm are core objectives of the Gambling and Racing Commission as outlined in the Strategy for Gambling Harm Prevention in the ACT - A Public Health Approach [448.8 KB] Overview [227.6 KB].

In 2022-23 the Commission funded an independent evaluation of the strategy, to gauge progress to date against the five-year Strategy since its commencement in 2019. The evaluation was conducted by Crondar Consulting and covered the first three years of the strategy.

The evaluation concluded that ‘the Strategy has been delivered according to the principles of the Strategy. The Strategy, with some modification particularly to align the objectives with the level of influence of the Commission, is highly suitable to continue for the remaining two years and to form the basis of subsequent strategies’.

For more information, please read Findings of the evaluation [1016.7 KB].

Annual Work Plans

Under the Strategy, the Commission has committed to developing and delivering Annual Work Plans. The work plans identify the actions and initiatives the Commission will undertake to achieve the objectives of the five-year Strategy.

The Annual Work Plan 2023-24 [293.6 KB] provides direction for the Commission to deliver its overarching harm prevention objectives and a strong foundation for partnership and collaboration across the Commission’s harm prevention and regulatory functions.

Every year, the Commission reports on the successes registered and the challenges encountered in its harm prevention activities. For more information about the Commission’s latest achievements, challenges and identified priorities, please see the Annual Work Plan 2022-23 Key Achievements and Overview [235.6 KB].