Every Story Matters

Chances are, there’s more to life.

Gambling Harm Awareness Week

Each year the Commission dedicates a week to raising awareness of gambling harm amongst the ACT community. During Gambling Harm Awareness Week (GHAW), we encourage people to talk about the harms that can arise from gambling and the effects they can have on communities, families, friends, workplaces and individuals. Gambling harm can affect self-esteem, relationships, physical and mental health, financial security, work performance and social life. We also encourage people to seek information and help, should they need it, highlighting the range of supports available.

2023 date, theme and stakeholder packs

Gambling Harm Awareness Week 2023 was from 16 to 22 October.

This year’s theme is Chances are, there’s more to life.

This theme recognises that gambling is a big business and that gambling products are increasingly promoted in our everyday lives. They can be fun, but they can also cause significant harms. The Commission encourages our community to recognise that gambling is not an intrinsic part of life and to remember the array of other things that bring them joy, including friendships, family, special interests and hobbies, like sport.

The Commission also encourages our community to learn about the features of different gambling products, which are designed to keep people spending, and understand the risk of harm they pose.

Gambling harm isn’t experienced by all people in the same manner, but everyone’s story matters and everyone can access the support they need. This year’s campaign material continues to promote that Every Story Matters and to encourage people to access the support they need.

The Commission takes a public health approach to addressing gambling harm, which highlights the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders to work towards harm reduction and prevention. To support our stakeholders to contribute to GHAW, the Commission again this year developed electronic packs providing social media posts, articles and other supporting material that could be shared with stakeholder networks.

While Gambling Harm Awareness Week only runs for 7 days, the Commission’s commitment to the prevention and reduction of gambling harm is ongoing. Please visit the resources pages for both Industry and Community to access resources that be promoted by stakeholders all year round.. These pages will be added to over time, so please check back regularly.

GHAW 2023 forum: Prevent, Empower, Support

This year, the Commission hosted a free half day forum on Thursday 19 October, bringing together all stakeholders to consider how we can ‘Prevent, Empower, Support’ to address gambling harm in the ACT.

Speakers provided practical strategies for all stakeholders to play a role in reducing and preventing gambling harm and highlighted the evidence behind them.

Topics included:

For more information about the forum, including the speaker biographies, please download the PDF version of the program.